
2014年4月29日 星期二

道元正法眼藏的一元思維(51) 三界唯心

《三界唯心》  永平道元禪師


釋迦大師說:「三界唯心,心外無別法;心佛及眾生,是三無差別。」(《華嚴經八十卷》第三十七 十地品) 一句的道得,是一代佛的舉力;一代佛的舉力,是盡力的全舉。雖是落入言說強為的行履,然當是佛說法功德的自然行為。所以,今如來說的『三界唯心』(佛性恁麼的識性經識的三能變而有三界有情識),是全如來的全現成(即全機現,三界一心的一元性)。『全一代』,是全一句(即佛性與識性的一如);『三界』,是全界。不是說三界即是心(三界是一心的現成公案)。這是說三界設有幾個玲瓏八面(即欲界、色界、無色界),尚是三界。雖錯認其為非三界(指真如法),然總是不著在(離了一心的三界的真如法,是離了佛性識,是無法測知的)。內外中間,初中後際(一元性),皆是三界。『三界』,是如三界的所見。非三界者的所見,則見不正三界(即佛性識與三界有情識依真如法緣起法相不同)。三界中,有以三界的所見為舊巢(依佛性依真如法緣起)的,有以三界的所見為新巢(三界有情識依真如法緣起)的。舊巢也是三界,心條(識心)也是三界。所以,釋迦大師說:『不如三界,見於三界。(即是說佛性以六大運作而有的實相,設是這真如法形成的是實相三界,但有情識性所見的緣起三界,並不就是真如法形成的實相三界)(《法華經》壽量品)






『悉是吾子』,是說子也全機現的道理(即三界識心緣起法相的一元性當下,也是全識性與佛性的一如)。然而,『吾子』,勢必受身體髮膚於慈父(佛性恁麼而有三界識心);不毀壞,不虧欠,是為子現成。而今者,則非父前子後,非子先父後;父子不相並,是所謂『吾子』的道理(子為父三能識變的法)。非授與而受之;非奪取而得之。非去來之相,非大小之量,非老少之論。須保任老少如佛祖的老少。有父少子老的(《法華經》從地湧出品),有父老子少的(《法華經》信解品);有父老子老的(《法華經》譬喻品),有父少子少的(《法華經》壽量品)。學父老的,則非子(即是說:識心緣起若處一元境的成佛,則就與佛性真如為性相一如,故不再是子);不經子少,即非父(即是說:識心緣起若不經三能變而現成三界識心,就不可稱是佛性恁麼的識心;即無依真如法的緣起不可稱為父)。子的老少與父的老少的道理,必當審細功夫參究,不可倉卒!有父子同時生現的父子(四果不還天的佛性識與第八識的一如),有父子同時現滅的父子(無想天),有父子不同時現生的父子(色界有情識是佛性識的轉識),有父子不同時現滅的父子(欲界散心位的六根識)。所以是不掛礙慈父而現生吾子,不掛礙吾子而慈父現成。有有心(二元性分別識)眾生,有無心(一元性無分別識)眾生;有有心吾子,有無心吾子。如是吾子、子吾,悉是釋迦慈父的令嗣。十方盡界一切過、現、當來的諸眾生,是十方盡界過、現、當來的諸如來。諸佛的吾子,是眾生;眾生的慈父,是諸佛。所以百草的花果,是諸佛的我有;岩石的大小,是諸佛的我有。安處者,是林野;林野者,是已離(即是說:佛性識恁麼的有情識(眾生)會因三能識變而落入二元性的煩惱,但依真如法緣起的緣起萬相,是永處一元性境)(《法華經》譬喻品「如來已離三界火宅,寂然閑居安處林野。) 雖說如是,然如來說的意義,只說『吾子』而已,尚未說其父(因是佛性識,故不說有父。而佛性識、真如法的向上事是佛性),此須參究!


釋迦牟尼佛說:「諸佛(識性)緣起法身,亦不出三界;三界外無眾生,佛何所化?所以我說:三界外別有一眾生界藏,是外道大有經中說,非七佛所說的。」須明參究!『諸佛應化法身』,是皆是三界,無外。如如來的無外,眾生亦無外。無眾生的地方,『佛何所化?』 佛所化的,必是眾生。






今宗一大師問到的『三界唯心,汝作麼生會』,是說怎麼生會、未怎麼生會,同是三界唯心。所以,未怎麼生會,亦三界唯心。所以,真應指椅子問:『和尚喚這個作什麼?』 須知『汝作麼生會』,即是『喚這個作什麼』。宗一大師說的『椅子』,且說此是會三界語呢?不會三界語呢?即是三界語呢?非三界語呢?是椅子說呢?是宗一大師說呢?須如此究說,試說看看!當有試『會看』的會取,當有試『參看』的參究!

真應曰:“和尚不會三界唯心。” 此道,雖如趙州所道(四門)中之東門、南門,然更須有西門、北門,更須有東趙州、南趙州。雖會三界唯心,然更須參究不會三界唯心。更亦有不關會不會之三界唯心。大師道:“我喚這個作竹木。”

真應說:「和尚不會三界唯心。」 此說,雖如趙州所說的四門中的東門、南門(《大慧語錄》卷八 「舉僧問趙州。如何是趙州。州云。東門南門西門北門。」),然更須有西門、北門,更須有東趙州、南趙州。雖會三界唯心,然更須參究不會三界唯心。更亦有不關會不會的三界唯心。宗一大師說:『我喚這個作竹木。』









《正法眼藏》道元著,何燕生譯註,宗教文化出版社,200311月。書號:ISBN 7-80123-557-6/B*178

2014年4月27日 星期日

道元正法眼藏的一元思維(50) (英譯) 柏樹子

《柏樹子》  永平道元禪師 (英譯)



The Great Master Zhenji of Zhaozhou was the thirty-seventh generation from the Tathāgata Śākya. At the age of sixty-one, he first produced the thought and, leaving home, studied the way. At this time, he made a vow, saying, Even if they are one hundred years old, if they are inferior to me, I will teach them; even if they are seven years old, if they are superior to me, I will inquire of them. Vowing thus, he wandered south. As he went inquiring of the way, he reached Nanquan and paid his respects to the Reverend Preceptor Yuan.

因南泉本在方丈臥次,師來參。(南泉)即問:“近離什麼處?”師曰:“瑞像院。”南泉曰:“還見瑞像麼?”師曰:“瑞像即不見,見即臥如來。”時南泉乃起,問:“你是有主沙門耶?無主沙門耶?” 師對曰:“有主沙門。”南泉曰:“那個是你主?”師曰:“孟春猶寒,伏惟和尚尊體,起居萬福。”南泉即呼維那曰:“此沙彌別處安排。”如是寓止南泉,更不去他方,功夫辦道,三十年也。不虛寸陰,無有雜用。遂傳道受業,後住趙州之觀音院,又三十年也。其住持之行事,不與尋常之諸方相等。

因南泉本在方丈臥次,師來參。南泉即問:「近離什麼處?」 真際大師說:「瑞像院。」南泉問:「還見瑞像麼?」 真際大師說:「瑞像即不見,見即臥如來。」 時南泉乃起,問:「你是有主沙門呢?無主沙門呢?」 真際大師對說:「有主沙門。」 南泉說:「那個是你主?」 真際大師說:「孟春猶寒,伏惟和尚尊體,起居萬福。」 南泉即呼維那說:「此沙彌別處安排。」 如是寓止南泉,更不去他方,功夫辦道,三十年。不虛寸陰,無有雜用。遂傳道受業,後住趙州的觀音院,又三十年。其住持的行事,不與尋常的諸方相同。

At the time, Nanquan was in the abbots quarters, where he had been lying down. When the master approached, he [i.e., Nanquan] asked, Where are you coming from? The master said, Ruixiang [Auspicious Image] cloister. Nanquan said, And have you see the auspicious image? The master said, I havent seen the auspicious image, but I have seen a recumbent tathāgata. Thereupon Naquan promptly arose and said, Are you a śrāmaera with a master, or a śrāmaera without a master? The master replied, saying, A śrāmaera with a master. Nanquan said, Who is your master? The master said, It is the first of spring and still cold. I trust the Reverend Preceptors health is blessed. Nanquan called the rector and said, Assign this śrāmaera somewhere. Thus he lodged at Nanquan and, without traveling anywhere else, pursued the way with concentrated effort for thirty years. Without wasting an inch of shadow, he had no extraneous activities. Eventually, after transmission of the way and reception of the work, he resided at Guanyin cloister in Zhaozhou for another thirty years. The character of his abbacy was not like those of the usual places.

有時曰:「煙火徒勞望四鄰,饅頭槌子前年別。今日思量空嚥津,持念少,嗟歎頻;一百家中無善人,來者只道覓茶吃,不得茶噇去又瞋。」 可憐煙火稀,一味少,雜味又同前年別;一百家人來即覓茶,不覓茶則不來。持來茶人者,當非一百家人。雖有見賢之雲水,而無思齊之龍象。

有時說:「煙火徒勞望四鄰,饅頭槌子前年別。今日思量空嚥津,持念少,嗟歎頻;一百家中無善人,來者只道覓茶吃,不得茶噇去又瞋。」(《趙州語錄》卷下,十二時個歌) 可憐煙火稀,一味少,雜味又同前年別;一百家人來即覓茶,不覓茶則不來(即來求佛法的雲水多,知佛法的少)。持來茶人的(即對佛法有見地的雲水),當非一百家人。雖有見賢的雲水,而無思齊的龍象。

On one occasion, he said, Smoking fires: I futilely gaze on the neighborhood; Parted from buns and dumplings last year. Thinking of them today, I swallow my spittle in vain; Rarely maintaining my thoughts; repeatedly sighing. Theres no good person in a hundred households. The ones that come say theyre just looking for tea; If they dont get their tea, they go away angry. What a pity. His smoking fires are few; he rarely has a single taste; he has not met a varied taste since last year. When the people of the hundred households come, they are seeking tea; those not seeking tea do not come. There is likely no one in the hundred households who brings him tea. There may be clouds and water (means: wandering monks) that meet the wise, but there are likely no dragons or elephants that think to equal him.

有時又曰:「思量天下出家人,似我住持能有幾?土塌床,破蘆廢,老榆木枕全無被。尊像不燒安息香,灰裡唯聞牛糞氣。」 以此等之道得,當知院門之潔白。而今須學習如此之蹤跡。僧眾不多,謂不滿二十眾,以能者難也。僧堂不多,無前架後架;夜間無燈光,冬天無炭火。可謂悲憫之老後生涯。古佛之操行,其即如是。

有時又說:「思量天下出家人,似我住持能有幾?土塌床,破蘆廢,老榆木枕全無被。尊像不燒安息香,灰裡唯聞牛糞氣。」 以此等的道得,當知院門的潔白。而今須學習如此的蹤跡。僧眾不多,稱不滿二十眾,以能知者難。僧堂不多,無前架後架;夜間無燈光,冬天無炭火。可謂悲憫的老後生涯。古佛的操行,其即如是。

On one occasion, he also said, Thinking of those whove left home in this realm, How many could there be with an abbacy like mine? An earthen bed with a tattered reed mat, An old elmwood headreast with no cover at all. At the icon, I dont burn the incense of Arsaces, In the ashes, I just smell the odor of cow dung. From these sayings, we can understand the purity of his cloister. We should study these traces. That his monastic assembly was not many, said to have been less than twenty, is because being able to do it is hard. The sagha hall was not large and lacked both front shelving and back shelving. There was no lamp light at night and no charcoal fire in winter weather. One could say it was a pitiful life for an aged one. Such was the conduct of the old buddha.



Once, when the leg of the joined platform was broken, he spliced it by binding twine to a piece of burned wood [and continued to use it] for months and years. When the stewards reported it to be replaced, the master would not permit it. [This incident] is an excellent vestige, rare throughout the generations. As a rule, In the breakfast gruel, there isnt any grain of rice; I vacantly face the quiet window and the dust in the cracks. Or he would pick up nuts, and both he and the monks would live on them as their daily fare. Late comers now eulogize this conduct, and, though they do not reach the masters conduct, they assume the attitude of longing for the ancients.


有時示眾說:「吾在南方三十年,專務坐禪。汝等諸人若欲得此一大事,當究理坐禪看。三年三十年,謂不得道者,把老僧頭取作杓蔸小便。」 如此發誓。誠哉!坐禪辦道,是佛道的直路,須究理坐看。後人稱:「趙州古佛」。

On one occasion, he addressed the assembly, saying, In the thirty years I was in the south, I exclusively practiced seated meditation. If you all think to get this prime great matter, you should try investigating the principle and practicing seated meditation. If, in three years, or five years, or twenty years, or thirty years, you havent attained the way, you can take [this] old monks head, make it into a ladle, and scoop piss [with it]. He made such a vow. Truly, pursuing the way in seated meditation is the direct path of the way of the buddha. We should investigate the principle, sit and see. Later, people said, Zhaozhou is an old buddha.


趙州大師因有僧問:「如何是祖師西來意。」 趙州師說:「庭前柏樹子。」僧問:「和尚莫以境示人。」 趙州師說:「吾不以境示人。」 僧問:「如何是祖師西來意?」 趙州師說:「庭前柏樹子。」此一則公案雖起首於趙州,然畢竟已為諸佛的渾身作家。那『誰是主人公?』

The great master was once asked by a monk, What is the intention of the ancestral masters coming from the west? The master said, The cypress tree at the front of the garden.The monk said, Reverend Preceptor, dont show a person with an object. The master said, I dont show a person with an object. The monk said, What is the intention of the ancestral masters coming from the west? The master said, The cypress tree at the front of the garden. This one public case, though it is said to have originated from Zhaozhou, is in the end something authored by the whole body of the buddhas.



Who is the one in charge?The principle we should understand here is the point that the cypress at the front of the garden is not an object, the point that the intention of the ancestral masters coming from the west is not an object, the point that the cypress tree is not the self; for [it is said,], Reverend Preceptor dont show a person with an object; for [it is said,] I dont show a person with an object. Which Reverend Preceptor is impeded by Reverend Preceptor? If he is not impeded, he must be I. Which I is impeded by I? Even if it is impeded, it must be a person. Which object is not obstructed by the intention in coming from the west? For the object must inevitably be the intention in coming from the west. Nevertheless, the intention in coming from the west is not dependent on the object. The intention of the ancestral masters coming from the west is not necessarily the treasury of the eye of the true dharma, the wondrous mind of nirvana. It is not the mind; it is not the buddha; it is not not a thing.



[The monks] saying here, what is the intention of the ancestral masters coming from the west? is not merely a question; it is not merely that both people can see the same. Precisely at the time he asks, he cannot see anyone; how much of himself can he get? Going further, [we can say,] The canal is with anywhere. Therefore, it is mistake, mistake. Because it is mistake, mistake, it is taking a mistake as a mistake. Is this not to accept the hollow and entertain the echo? Because the all-pervading spiritual root turns neither toward nor away, it is the cypress tree at the front of the garden:



if it is not an object, it cannot be a cypress tree; even if it is an object, it is [said,] I dont show a person with an object, and Reverend Preceptor, dont show a person with an object. It is not an old ancestral shrine. Since it is not an old ancestral shrine, he goes on burying. Since he goes on burying, it is return my concentrated effort. Since it is return my concentrated effort, it is [said,] I dont show a person with an object. Then what else does he use to show a person? It must be Im also like this.


趙州大師有僧問:「柏樹還有佛性也無?」趙州大師說:「有。(因性相一如是有所依的真如法位)」僧問:「柏樹幾時成佛?」 趙州大師說:「待虛空落地(緣起法一元性相當下)。」僧問:「虛空幾時落地?」趙州大師說:「待柏樹子成佛(即識性依真如法位緣起法公案現成當下)。」

The great master was asked by a monk, Does the cypress have the buddha nature or not? The great master said, It does. The monk said, When does the cypress become a buddha? The great master said, Once space falls on the ground. The monk said, When does space fall on the ground? The great master said, Once the cypress tree becomes a buddha.



We should not hear the saying of the great master here and discard the question of this monk. The great masters words, once space falls to the ground, or once the cypress becomes a buddha, are not mutually dependent sayings. They are questioning the cypress, questioning the buddha nature; they are questioning becoming a buddha, questioning the time [once]; they are questioning space, questioning falling on the ground.


今大師向僧說,而說明『有』,即是『柏樹佛性有』。須通達此語,令佛祖命脈通暢。所謂柏樹具有佛性,尋常者則道不得,未曾說著。既是有佛性,則須明其以何為體。既是有佛性,而今柏樹,其位次的高低如何?當問其壽命、身量的長短,當問其種姓、族類。更進一步,百千的柏樹(指依真如法位緣起的法相)皆是同種姓嗎?別種胤嗎?有成佛的柏樹,有修行的柏樹,當有發心的柏樹呢?(即指落入五根識及六七八識的緣起法) 柏樹有成佛,具足修行、發心等嗎?柏樹(色法)與虛空(識性),其有什麼因緣?柏樹的成佛,定待你落地時(即是問:柏樹的真如法位緣起,還是必須有識心恁麼一元性);柏樹的為樹的功德,必是虛空(指識性緣真如妙有)嗎?柏樹的地位,虛空(真如法位)其為初地嗎?為果位嗎?須審細功夫參究!道元還要問你趙州老,若你亦是一根枯柏樹,以恁麽活計為消息?(這裡道元認為枯柏樹是依真如法位而有的一合相,是佛性恁麼地水火風空五大的真如法,故認為趙州只把枯柏樹當成是識性的緣起法相是錯的。)

In the great masters speaking to the monk here, when he says, it does, he means the existence of the buddha nature of the cypress. Mastering these words, we should penetrate the vital artery of the buddhas and ancestors. That the cypress tree has the buddha nature usually cannot be said, has never been said. It has the buddha nature; so we should clarify its state. It has the buddha nature; how about the height of its ground and stage? We should inquire into the length of its life and physical dimensions; we should ask about its family and clan. Further, in a hundred thousand cypress trees, are they all of the same family, or are they of distinct familial lines? Should there be cypress trees that become buddhas? Cypress trees that practice? Cypress trees that produce the thought? Does the cypress tree, although it becomes a buddha, not fulfill practice and production of the thought? What is the causal relationship between the cypress tree and space? Does the fact that the cypress trees becoming a buddha is definitely once you fall on the ground mean that the cypress trees virtue as a tree is necessarily space? Regarding the ground and stage of the cypress tree: is space the first ground? Is it the effect stage? We should make concentrated effort to study this in detail. I ask you, old man Zhaozhou, Did you convey such business because you are yourself one dead cypress tree?


大凡所謂柏樹有佛性,非外道、二乘等的境解,亦非經師、論師等的見聞,況以枯木、死灰而說緣起空花的開演呢?唯趙州的種類,有此參學參究。今趙州說的柏樹有佛性,為柏樹被柏樹礙也無?佛性被佛性礙也無?(這裡道元認為,由佛性緣起六大的佛性識經三能變而有三界識心,佛性恁麼的地水火風空五大的真如法如何變化則連佛也不可知。故柏樹是依識性緣起,還是依佛性真如恁麼緣起,則不可知。) 此說明,非一佛二佛的所能究盡;縱有佛面(達識心一元性),未必可究盡此道得。設令在諸佛中,當有道得的諸佛,亦當有道不得的諸佛(即在佛道一元境中,並不全然有佛向上(佛性識)的力量)

In general, that the cypress tree has the buddha nature is not in the realm of the alien ways or the two vehicles, is not seen or heard by the sutra masters or treatise masters. How much less is it proclaimed in the space flowers of dead wood and cold ashes. Only a type like Zhaozhou studies and investigates it. Zhaozhous saying here that the cypress has the buddha nature is [asking], is the cypress obstructed by the cypress, is the buddha nature obstructed by the buddha nature? This saying is something not yet fully exhausted by one buddha or two buddhas. Even those with the face of a buddha are not necessarily able fully to exhaust this saying. Even among the buddhas, there will be buddhas who can say it and buddhas who cannot say it.



[The phrase] once space falls on the ground is not saying something that could not be the case: every time the cypress tree becomes a buddha, space falls on the ground. The sound of its falling on the ground is not hidden: it exceeds a hundred thousand claps of thunder. The time when the cypress becomes a buddha, while for the time being is within the twelve periods, is further within thirteen periods. The space that falls on the ground is not just the space seen by commoners and sages: there is an additional piece of space, something not seen by others; Zhaozhou alone sees it. The ground where space falls is also not the ground occupied by commoners and sages: there is a further piece of ground, something not reached by yin and yang; Zhaozhou alone reaches it. At the time space falls on the ground, though they be the sun and moon, mountains and rivers, they must be once. Who says that the buddha nature necessarily becomes a buddha? The buddha nature is an adornment after one becomes a buddha; further, there must be a buddha nature that is born together and studies together with becoming a buddha. Therefore, the cypress and the buddha nature are not different notes with the same tune. What we say is, since it is why so? we should investigate it [asking,] what about it?


(1) 《正法眼藏》  道原 著 , 何燕生 譯註, 宗教文化出版社

(2) Shōbōgenzō http://web.stanford.edu/group/scbs/sztp3/translations/shobogenzo/translations/bussho/intro.html