
2014年6月10日 星期二

道元正法眼藏的一元思維(69) (英譯) 遍參

《遍參Extensive Study  永平道元禪師 (英譯)


佛祖的大道,是究盡參徹。足下無絲去(指緣起法的無跡可尋處,《景德傳燈錄》卷十五 洞山良价章 僧問。師尋常教學人行鳥道。未審如何是鳥道。師曰。不逢一人。曰如何行。師曰。直須足下無絲去。),足下雲生(指緣起法的虛幻無跡處,《景德傳燈錄》卷三 達摩章 波羅提恭稟師旨云。願假神力。言已雲生足下。至王前默然而住。)。雖然如是,花開世界起(指雖是緣起法的一元境,但仍有萬法的差別相,《景德傳燈錄》卷二 般若多羅章 偈曰:『心地生諸種,因事復生理,果滿菩提圓,華開世界起』),是吾常於此切(指佛祖師努力於此一元佛境,《瑞洲洞山良价語僧問。三身之中。阿那身不墮眾數。師云。吾嘗於此切。)。所以,甜菰徹蒂甜,苦瓜連根苦,甜舔徹蒂甜(指處一元境的一味,即『一種平懷,泯然自盡』,《圓悟語》卷二 )。是皆如此參學。(道元禪師是說:佛道恁麼緣起萬法是一元性的,此無分別、無四相是佛性功德神力的運作。佛性恁麼而有的識性,識性則依真如法恁麼緣起大千世界萬法,這是公案現成的法報化三身。佛道參學修證,是應究盡參徹這心法一如當下,三身的一元性)

The great way of the buddhas and ancestors is study and penetration of the ultimate limit; it is to go without a string at your feet; it is clouds arose underfoot. Nevertheles, though this is so, it is a flower opens and the world arises; it is I always care for this. Therefore, the sweet melon is sweet through to its stem; the bitter gourd is bitter to its root; the sweet sweetness is sweet through to the stem. This is how it has been studied.


玄沙山宗一大師因雪峰召師說:「備頭陀,何不遍參去?」 宗一大師說:「達磨不來東土,二祖不往西天。」(佛道是遍界不曾藏) (《景德傳燈錄》卷十八 玄沙章) 雪峰深肯然。所謂遍參底道理,即是於身心翻巾頭參;是聖諦亦不為,何階級之有?(參學應是不落二元性的分別)  (《景德傳燈錄》卷五 青原行思章)

The great master Zongyi of Mt. Xuansha was once addressed by Xuefeng, who said, Bei Toutuo, why dont you go off on extensive study? The master said, Dharma didnt come to the Eastern Land; the Second Ancestor didnt go to the Western Heavens. Xuefeng deeply approved this. The principle of extensive studying is the study of a flip; it is dont do even the noble truths; it is what stages are there?

南嶽大慧禪師初參曹溪古佛,古佛曰:“是什麼物恁麽來?”遍參此泥彈子,前後八年。末後將遍參之一著子白古佛曰:“懷讓會得當初來時和尚接懷讓是什麼物恁麽來。” 因曹溪古佛道:“你作麼生會?” 時大慧曰:“說似一物即不中。” 此是遍參之現成也,八年之現成也。 曹溪古佛問:“還假修證否?” 大慧曰:“修證即不無,污染即不得。” 曹溪則云:“吾亦如是,汝亦如是,乃至西天諸佛諸祖亦如是。” 自此更遍參八載,頭正尾正,數之,則是十五年之遍參也。

南嶽大慧禪師初參曹溪古佛,古佛說:「是什麼物恁麽來?」 遍參此泥彈子(話頭),前後八年。末後將遍參的一著子告白古佛說:「懷讓會得當初來時和尚接懷讓是什麼物恁麽來。」 因此曹溪古佛說:「你作麼生會?」 時大慧說:「說似一物即不中。」 此是遍參的現成,是八年的現成。 曹溪古佛問:「還假修證否?」 大慧說:「修證即不無,污染即不得。」(修證一如時,就知是一元性佛道,但落入二元的染污,即不得) 曹溪則說:「吾亦如是,汝亦如是,乃至西天諸佛諸祖亦如是。」自此更遍參八載,頭正尾正,數一數,則是十五年的遍參。

When the Chan master Dahui of Nanyue first visited [Huineng,] the Old Buddha of Caoqi, the Old Buddha said, What is it that comes like this? He extensively studied this ball of mud for eight years from start to finish. In the end, he announced to the Old Buddha the one move of his extensive study, saying, Ive understood what the reverend preceptor put to me when I first came: What is it that comes like this?’” Thereupon the Old Buddha of Caoqi said, How do you understand it? At this point, Dahui said, To say its like anything wouldnt hit it. This is the realization of extensive study, the realization of eight years. The Old Buddha of Caoqi said, Then is it contingent on practice and verification? Dahui said, Its not without practice and verification, but its not defiled by them. Caoqi said, Youre also like this, Im also like this, and all the ancestors of the Western Heavens are also like this. Thereafter, he spent eight years more in extensive study. True from head to tail, all told it was fifteen autumns of extensive study.



Coming like this is extensive study. To say its like anything wouldnt hit it: to open the hall and see the buddhas and ancestors is the extensive study of also like this. Ever since he entered the picture and looked, he has extensively studied transforming the body sixty-five hundred thousands of ten thousands of hundred millions times. He does not take casually entering a grove and leaving a grove as extensive study; he takes seeing the entire eye as extensive study, being able to penetrate it as extensive study. Seeing through the thickness of the skin of the face this is extensive study.



The meaning of the extensive study spoken of by Xuefeng naturally does not recommend his leaving the peak, does not recommend his going north and coming south: it helps him in the extensive study of Dharma didnt come to the Eastern Land; the Second Ancestor didnt go to the Western Heavens spoken of by Xuansha. The Dharma didnt come to the Eastern Land spoken of by Xuansha is not some confused words about coming or not coming: it is the principle that the great earth lacks an inch of land. Dharma here is the point of the vital artery. Even if the entire land of the Eastern Land were suddenly completely to gush up and attend upon him, this would not be transforming the body, nor would be it be flipping the body in the flow of words. Since he didnt come to the Eastern Land, he meets the Eastern Land face to face. Though the Eastern Land encounters buddha faces and ancestor faces, this is not coming to the Eastern Land: it is taking hold of the buddhas and ancestors but missing their nose.



In general, the land is not east or west; east and west have nothing to do with the land. The Second Ancestor didnt go to the Western Heavens [means that,] in extensively studying the Western Heavens, he didnt go to the Western Heavens. If the Second Ancestor went to the Western Heavens, one arm would fall off. Now, why did the Second Ancestor not go to the Western Heavens? Because he jumped into the eye of Blue Eyes, he didnt go to the Western Heavens. If he had not jumped into the eye of Blue Eyes, he would definitely have gone to the Western Heavens. He made plucking out Dharmas eye his extensive study. Going to the Western Heavens or coming to the Eastern Land is not extensive study. Going to Tiantai or Nanyue is not extensive study; we do not take going to Wutai or the heavens as extensive study. If we have not passed through and beyond the four seas and five lakes, it is not extensive study. Coming and going to the four seas and five lakes does not make the four seas and five lakes study extensively: it makes the road slippery; it makes the footing slippery; hence, it makes [one] miss extensive study.



In general, because he makes mastery of all the worlds in the ten directions are the true human body his extensive study, he has the investigation of Dharma didnt come to the Eastern Land; the Second Ancestor didnt go to the Western Heavens. Extensive study is the bigness of a stone is big, the smallness of a stone is small; it is, without moving the stones, to make them a big study, a small study. To see the hundreds of thousands of ten thousands in the hundreds of thousands of ten thousands is not yet extensive study; the turning of the body hundreds of thousands of ten thousand times within the flow of half a word is extensive study. For example, Dadi just struck the ground is extensive study. Once striking the ground, once striking the sky, once striking the four quarters and eight sides is not extensive study. Juzhi studying with Tianlong and getting one finger is extensive study; Juzhi just holding up one finger is extensive study.

玄沙示眾云:“與我釋迦老子同參。” 時有僧出問:“未審參見什麼人?” 師云:“釣魚船上謝三郎。” 釋迦老子參底頭正尾正,自是與釋迦老子同參也。玄沙老漢底頭正尾正,自是與玄沙老漢同參也。是故,釋迦老子與玄沙老漢同參也。究盡釋迦老子與玄沙老漢參足參不足,是為遍參之道理也。釋迦老子與玄沙老漢同參,故是古佛也。玄沙老漢與釋迦老子同參。故是兒孫也。此道理,當審細遍參!

玄沙示眾說:「與我釋迦老子同參。」 時有僧出問:「未審參見什麼人?」 玄沙師說:「釣魚船上謝三郎(指真如法身)。」 釋迦老子參底頭正尾正,自是與釋迦老子同參。玄沙老漢底頭正尾正,自是與玄沙老漢同參(性相一如)。所以,是釋迦老子(佛性)與玄沙老漢(識性)同參(萬法同參於本源一元佛性)。究盡釋迦老子與玄沙老漢參足參不足,是為遍參的道理(即識性修證佛性真如達一如時)。釋迦老子與玄沙老漢同參(性依相而現公案現成),故(依性言)是古佛。玄沙老漢與釋迦老子同參(相依性緣起而有)。故(依相言)是兒孫。此道理,當審細遍參!

Xuansha addressed the assembly, saying, Old Master Śākya[muni] and I studied together. At that time, a monk came forward and asked, I dont understand. With whom did you study? The master said, The Xie san lang on a fishing boat. The study of Old Master Śākya that is right from head to tail is itself studying together with Old Master Śākya. The study of Old Man Xuansha that is right from head to tail is itself studying together with Old Man Xuansha; hence, Old Master Śākya and Old Man Xuansha study together. Old Master Śākya and Old Man Xuansha exhaustively investigating whether their study is sufficient or insufficient is the principle of extensive study. Because Old Master Śākya studies together with Old Man Xuansha, he is an old buddha; because Old Man Xuansha studies together with Old Master Śākya, he is the progeny. This principle, we should extensively study in detail.


『釣魚船上謝三郎(指真如法身)。』 此意義,須明究參學。即遍參、功夫參究所謂釋迦老子與玄沙老漢為同時同參的時節(即是佛性恁麼而有的識性,識性則恁麼緣起法相,這是公案現成的法報化三身)。有參見『釣魚船上謝三郎』的玄沙老漢,故而同參(識性依真如法身恁麼緣起法相)。有參見玄沙山上禿頭漢的謝三郎,故而同參(即是佛性恁麼而有的識性)。同參不同參,須由自己功夫參究,須由他者功夫參究(即三界識心須功夫修證達佛性真如,此須由『自識心』與『他真如法』共同成就)。玄沙老漢與釋迦老子同參、遍參。須遍參、同參謝三郎與我參見什麼人的道理。遍參的道理若未現前,則是參自(『自識心』)不得,參自不足;是參他(『他真如法』)不得,參他不足;是參人不得,參我不得;是參拳頭不得,參眼睛不得;是自釣自上不得,未釣先上不得。(即是說:遍參的道理是於修證一如、心法一如的當下。若不是這一元性的當下,就不得佛道)

We should clarify and study the meaning of the Xie san lang on a fishing boat. This is the concentrated effort at extensive study of the moment when Old Master Śākya and Old Man Xuansha study together at the same time. They study together as Old Man Xuansha is there studying with the Xie san lang on a fishing boat; they study together as the Xie san lang is there studying with the baldhead on Mt. Xuansha. We should have ourselves concentrate, have others concentrate, on studying together and not studying together. Old Man Xuansha and Old Master Śākya study together, study extensively. We should study extensively, study together, the principle of with whom the Xie san lang and I studied. So long as the principle of extensive study is not immediately present to us, our study of ourselves is not possible, our study of ourselves is insufficient; our study of the other is not possible, our study of the other is insufficient; study of the person is not possible, study of the self is not possible; study of the fist is not possible, study of the eye is not possible; fishing for oneself and raising oneself is not possible, raising [oneself] before fishing is not possible.



When extensive study has been fully exhausted, it is extensive study sloughed off. When the ocean dries up, you cannot see the bottom; when a person dies, he does not leave his mind behind. When the ocean dries up means the entire ocean is entirely dried up. Nevertheless, when the ocean is entirely dried up, you cannot see the bottom. Not leaving and entirely leaving are both the persons mind. When the person dies, the mind is not left behind. Since he has taken up death, the mind is not left behind. Therefore, we know that the entire person is mind, the entire mind is the person. This is the study of the front and back of such a single side.



My former master, the Old Buddha of Tiantong, on one occasion when old acquaintances among the elders from all quarters assembled and requested a lecture, ascended the hall and said, The great way has no gate, It springs forth from the crown in all quarters; Empty space ends the road, It comes into the nostril of Qingliang. Meeting like this, Seeds of Gautamas traitors, Embryos of Linjis misfortune. Ii! The great house topples over, dancing in the spring wind; Startled, the falling apricot blossoms fly in crimson chaos.



This lecture is from the time when my former master, the Old Buddha, was abbot of Qingliang monastery, in the district of Jiankang, to which the elders from all quarters had come. That these were old acquaintances means they had once been guest and host or been neighboring seats. While from all quarters, they were thus his old friends; how could they not have been many? It was a time when they had assembled and requested a lecture. Elders completely lacking a saying were not his friends, were not numbered among those who requested [the lecture]. Though themselves great worthies, they attended him and requested [a lecture]. In general, the extensive study of my former master was not something fulfilled by those from all quarters. In the last two or three hundred years in the land of the great Song, there have been no old buddhas like my former master.



The great way without a gate is four or five thousand lanes of flowers and willows, twenty or thirty thousand pavilions of flutes and zithers. Still, when the whole body springs forth, without using anything else, it springs from the crown, it enters into the nostril; and both of these are study. One who has not sprung forth from the crown, has not turned the body in the nostril, is not a person of study, is not a man of extensive study. We should just study with Xuansha the point of extensive study.


四祖曾參學三祖九載(《景德傳燈錄》卷三 大醫道信章),即是遍參。南泉願禪師(《景德傳燈錄》卷八 南泉章),往昔於池陽,一住約三十年,不出山,這是遍參。雲岩、道吾等,在藥山四十年間,功夫參學,是遍參。二祖往昔參學嵩山八載,是遍參盡皮肉骨髓。

The Fourth Ancestor spending nine years in study with the Third Ancestor is extensive study. The Chan Master Yuan of Nanquan staying at Chiyang for some thirty years without ever leaving the mountain is extensive study. Yunyan, Daowu, and others, concentrating and studying during forty years at Yueshan is extensive study. The study of the Second Ancestor at Songshan was eight years; he exhausted the extensive study of skin, flesh, bones, and marrow.


遍參,唯是只管打坐、身心脫落。而今,去那邊去,來這裡來,如其無間隙,是渾體(一元性)遍參,是大道的渾體。毗盧頂(識性、法性)上行,是無諍三昧(《景德傳燈錄》卷五 南陽慧忠章);決得恁麽,是毗盧行。參徹跳出的遍參,即是葫蘆跳出葫蘆(緣起法相跳出緣起識性,法相、識性都是佛性的緣起法『葛藤』、『葫蘆),永以葫蘆頂上為選佛道場,是命如絲。是葫蘆(識性)遍參葫蘆(緣起法)。是唯以建立一莖草(一元性的佛道)為遍參!

Extensive study is simply just sitting and sloughing off body and mind. The present going that goes there and coming that comes here, as though there were no interval between them, is extensive study with the whole body, is the whole body of the great way. Walking on Vairocanas head is the samādhi without feeling. Definitely getting such is the walk of Vairocana. To penetrate the extensive study that springs forth is the bottle gourd springing forth from the bottle gourd; for long, the crown of the bottle gourd has been made the seat of the way where the buddha is selected. His life is like a thread. The bottle gourd extensively studies the bottle gourd. We have merely set up a single blade of grass and taken it as extensive study.


(1) 《正法眼藏》  道原 著 , 何燕生 譯註, 宗教文化出版社

(2) Shōbōgenzō http://web.stanford.edu/group/scbs/sztp3/translations/shobogenzo/translations/bussho/intro.html

