
2015年4月30日 星期四

金剛般若波羅蜜多心經 (Diamon wisdom sutra) (英譯2)

《金剛般若波羅蜜多心經(Diamon wisdom sutra)(2)






At that time, Subhåti said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, what shall be the name of this Såtra? How are we to transmit and uphold it?" The Buddha addressed Subhåti, "This Såtra's name is the Diamond [Cutting] Perfection of Wisdom. With the words of this title, you should transmit and uphold it. And why is that? Subhåti, the Buddha says that it is the thought of perfection of wisdom (praj¤àpàramità), so it is the nature of perfection of wisdom. "Subhåti, what do you think? The Tathàgata has an exposition of the Dharma, no?" Subhåti said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, because not a eternal Tathàgata that he has exposition." "Subhåti, what do you think? The atoms of the trichiliocosm are many, no?" Subhåti replied, "Very many, World Honored One." "Subhåti, the Tathàgata has said that the thought of atoms are the nature of atoms. They are named 'atoms'. The Tathàgata has explained that the thought of worlds are the nature of worlds. They are named 'worlds'. Subhåti, what do you think? One can see the Tathàgata by the thought of thirty-two, no?" "No, World Honored One. One cannot see of the Tathàgata by the thought of thirty-two. And why? The Tathàgata has explained that the thought of thirty-two are the nature of the thought of thirty-two. They are named the 'the thought of thirty-two'." "Subhåti, suppose there are good sons and good daughters that give charity and whose lives are equal to the sands of the Ganges River. And suppose again there is a person who receives and keeps four lines of verse from within this Såtra and explains it for another person. His merit would be much more."









At that time Subhåti, having heard this Såtra expounded, deeply understood its meaning suddenly. He wept and lamented, and then addressed the Buddha, saying, "It is extraordinary, World Honored One, that the Buddha expounds such a profound Såtra as this. Since the time I have had the wisdom-eye, I have never before heard such a Såtra. World Honored One, if again there is a person who hears this Såtra with a faithful mind that is pure, then in them will arise the sign of the real. It should be known that this person will have consummated the best, most extraordinary virtue. World Honored One, this sign of the real then is the nature of the real. This is why the Tathàgata has said that it is called the 'sign of the real'. World Honored One, thus having heard this Såtra and faithfully understood it, receiving and upholding it is no longer difficult for me. If the sentient beings who come into the world in the last five hundred year era hear this Såtra with faithful understanding, receive and uphold it, they then would be made most extraordinary. And why? These people would not have the thought of a self, other, diversity, and continuity. And why is that? The thought of the self then are the nature of self. The thought of other, thoughts of diversities, and thought of continuity then are the nature of other, diversity, and continuity. And why? Being free of all thoughts, but dwell in nature of those which therefore is what is named a Buddha."

The Buddha addressed Subhåti, saying, "So it is, so it is. If again there is a person who hears this Såtra, and is not astonished, not alarmed, and not fearful; it should be known that this person would be most extraordinary. And why? Subhåti, the Tathàgata's exposition of the thought of first perfection is the nature of first perfection. It is merely named the first perfection. Subhåti, the thought of perfection of tolerance (kùànti-pàramità), that Tathàgata has explained, is the nature of the perfection of tolerance. And why? Subhåti, I had formerly had my body cut to pieces by King Kaliïga and at that time was without the thought of a self, without the thought of other, without the thought of diversities, and without the thought of continuity. And why? in that former time I had been cut apart limb from limb. If I had had the thought of a self, the thought of other, the thought of diversity, and the thought of continuity, I would have become angry and indignant. "Furthermore, Subhåti, I recall that in the past five hundred incarnations I had been an ascetic practicing tolerance. In that incarnation, I was without the thought of a self, the thought of other, the thought of diversity, and the thought of continuity. This is why, Subhåti, the bodhisattva should be free of all thoughts when engendering the supremely unexcelled bodhicitta (Buddha wisdom). He should not dwell in forms when giving rise to that mind. He should not dwell in sounds, odors, tastes, tactile sensations, or ideas when giving rise to that mind. He should not dwell in outer substances when giving rise to that mind. If in that mind he has an abode, then it would be the nature of real. This is why the Buddha has said that the bodhisattva's mind should not dwell in the forms of charity. Subhåti, the bodhisattva who bestows blessings on all the sentient beings should thus be charitable. The Tathàgata has said that all thoughts then are the nature of the thoughts. Further, he has said that all thought of the sentient beings, therefore, are the nature of the sentient beings. Subhåti, the Tathàgata speaks truly, really, thus, not with trickery, and no with contradiction. Subhåti, the Dependent origination-Dharma that the Tathàgata has attained is neither real nor illusion. Subhåti, if a bodhisattva's mind dwells in the Dharma (Dependent origination-Dharmas or unfounded-Dharmas) while practicing charity, it would be like a person walking in darkness and who sees nothing. If a bodhisattva's mind does not dwell in the Dharma while practicing charity, it would be like a person who has eyes to see the sunlight that illuminates all the various forms. Subhåti, in the future era there will be good sons and good daughters able to receive, uphold, read, and recite what is in this Såtra. For the Tathàgata fully knows and fully sees these people with the Buddha's wisdom. I can say that they all shall attain the consummation of that measureless and boundless virtue.






"Subhåti, suppose there are good sons and good daughters who, in the morning, in numbers equaling that of the sands of the Ganges, give themselves in charity; who, in the afternoon, in numbers equaling that of the sands of the Ganges, give themselves in charity; who, in the evening, in numbers equaling that of the sands of the Ganges, give themselves in charity; and thus for measureless billions of aeons (kalpas) give themselves in charity. Suppose, again, that there is a person who hears this Såtra with a faithful mind that is not contrary, his blessedness would overcome theirs. How much more so would it be if he copies, receives, upholds, reads, and recites it, and then explains it for another person? Subhåti, essentially speaking, this Såtra has a meaning that is inconceivable, inexpressible, and boundless in virtue. The Tathàgata expounds it for those of setting forth the great vehicle and expounds it for those setting forth the supreme vehicle. If there is a person who is able to receive, uphold, read, and recite this Såtra and widely explain it to another person, the Tathàgata fully knows and fully sees that such a person will attain the consummation of an unfathomable, inexpressible, boundless, and inconceivable virtue. Thus such a person therefore carries on the Tathàgatas supremely unexcelled Bodhi (Buddha wisdom). And why? Subhåti, if there is satisfaction found in the Theravada Dharma, that is dwelling in the thought of a self, the thought of other, the thought of diversity, and the thought of continuity. Therefore, there could not be the ability to receive, uphold, recite, or explain it for another person what is in this Såtra. Subhåti, wherever it resides, in whatever place, if therein is this Såtra, the deities, humans, and asuras of all of the worlds should give offerings there. It should be known that this place then is a pagoda. All should pay respect to it by circumambulating and scattering flowers and incense around it.




“復次,須菩提!若善男子、善女人,受持讀誦此經,若為人輕賤,是人先世罪業,應墮惡道,以今世人輕賤故,先世罪業則為消滅,當得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。”“須菩提!我念過去無量阿僧祗劫,於然燈佛前,得值八百四千萬億那由他諸佛,悉皆供養承事,無空過者,若復有人, 於後末世,能受持讀誦此經,所得功德,於我所供養諸佛功德,百分不及一,千萬億分、乃至算數譬喻所不能及。須菩提!若善男子、善女人,於後末世,有受持讀誦此經,所得功德,我若具說者,或有人聞,心則狂亂,狐疑不信。須菩提!當知是經義不可思議,果報亦不可思議。”


"Furthermore, Subhåti, if good sons and good daughters who receive, uphold, read, and recite this Såtra should be slighted or insulted, they would have committed evil deeds in prior being and as a result fallen into that unpleasant path. Because of that, they are slighted and insulted in the present life by others. When the prior being’s evil deeds then have been extirpated, they shall attain the supremely unexcelled Bodhi (Buddha wisdom). Subhåti, I recall that in the past, a measureless asaïkhya aeons ago, before I was with the Buddha Dãpa§kara, I had met eighty-four quintillions of Buddhas, had given offerings to all of them, and had received their work without needless error. Suppose, again, there is someone in the last phase era who is able to receive, uphold, read, and recite this Såtra, and attain the merit of it. The merit of my giving offerings to all of those Buddhas would not compare to a hundredth of his merit. Even a trillionth of the his merit could not compare to it. Subhåti, if I were to fully enunciate the extent of the merit attained by that good son or good daughter in the last phase era who shall receive, uphold, read, and recite this Såtra, some of the people's minds in this audience would be confounded, become doubtful, and not believe it. Subhåti, it should be known that this Såtra's meaning is inconceivable. The fruit of its reward is also inconceivable.




 爾時,須菩提白佛言:“世尊!善男子、善女人,發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心,云何應住?云何降伏其心?”佛告須菩提:“善男子、善女人,發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提者,當生如是心,我應滅度一切眾生。滅度一切眾生已,而無有一眾生實滅度者。 何以故?須菩提!若菩薩有我相、人相、眾生相、壽者相,則非菩薩。

 所以者何?須菩提!實無有法發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提者。”“須菩提!於意云何?如來於然燈佛所,有法得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提不?”“不也,世尊!如我解佛所說義,佛於然燈佛所,無有法得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。”佛言:“如是!如是!須菩提!實無有法如來得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。須菩提!若有法得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,然燈佛則不與我授記:汝於來世,當得作佛,號釋迦牟尼。以實無有法得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,是故然燈佛與我授記,作是言:‘汝於來世,當得作佛,號釋迦牟尼。’何以故?如來者,即諸法如義。若有人言:‘如來得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提’。須菩提!實無有法,佛得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。須菩提!如來所得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,於是中無實無虛。是故如來說:一切法皆是佛法。須菩提!所言一切法者,即非一切法,是故名一切法。須菩提!譬如人身長大。”須菩提言:“世尊!如來說:人身長大,則為非大身,是名大身。”“須菩提!菩薩亦如是。若作是言:‘我當滅度無量眾生’,則不名菩薩。 何以故?須菩提!無有法名為菩薩。是故佛說:一切法無我、無人、無眾生、無壽者。須菩提!若菩薩作是言,‘我當莊嚴佛土’,是不名菩薩。 何以故?如來說:莊嚴佛土者,即非莊嚴,是名莊嚴。須菩提!若菩薩通達無我法者,如來說名真是菩薩。


At that time, Subhåti said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, in what should good sons and good daughters dwell when engendering the supremely unexcelled bodhicitta (Buddha wisdom)? How should they subdue their minds?" The Buddha addressed Subhåti, saying, "Goods sons and good daughters engendering the supremely unexcelled bodhicitta (Buddha wisdom) will give rise to this thought, 'I shall liberate all Dependent origination-Dharmas or unfounded-Dharmas. Having liberated all of the Dependent origination-Dharmas or unfounded-Dharmas, there are really no truth-Dharma who are liberated.' And why? Subhåti, if a bodhisattva has the thought of a self, the thought of other, the thought of diversity, and the thought of continuity, then he is not a bodhisattva. And why is that? Subhåti, because all beings have original Buddha wisdom, really there is no one who has attained allochthonous Buddha wisdom. Subhåti, what do you think? When the Tathàgata was with the Buddha Dãpa§kara, he possessed the Dharma and could attain the supremely unexcelled bodhi (Buddha wisdom), no?" "No, World Honored One. As I have understood the meaning of the Buddha's discourse, when the Buddha was with the Buddha Dãpa§kara he did not possess the Dharma that could attain the supremely unexcelled bodhi." The Buddha replied, "So it is, so it is. Subhåti, really there is no existent Dharma that the Tathàgata has attained allochthonously in the supremely unexcelled bodhi. Subhåti, if there were a Dharma that the Tathàgata has attained allochthonously in the supremely unexcelled bodhi, the Buddha Dãpa§kara, then, would not have given me prediction, saying, 'You shall appear in a future being as a Buddha named øàkyamuni.' Since in reality there is no existent Dharma in the attainment of supremely unexcelled bodhi, the Buddha Dãpa§kara bestowed onto me prediction, saying, 'You shall appear in a future being as a Buddha named øàkyamuni.' And why? 'Tathàgata' then is the thusness of Dharma. Suppose there is a person who says the Tathàgata has attained the supremely unexcelled bodhi. Subhåti, really there is no Dharma in the Buddha's attainment of the supremely unexcelled bodhi. Subhåti, in the Tathàgatas attainment of the supremely unexcelled bodhi there is neither real nor illusion. This is why the Tathàgata says that all of the Dharmas (Dependent origination-Dharmas or unfounded-Dharmas) are the nature of Buddha's Dharma. Subhåti, that which is named 'all of the Dharmas,' then, is not all of the nature of Dharmas. This is why it is merely named 'all of the Dharmas.' Subhåti, for example, take the person whose body is huge." Subhåti replied, "World Honored One, the Tathàgata has said that the person who has a body which is huge, then, does not have huge nature body. It is merely named a great body." "Subhåti, the bodhisattva is also so. If one should say, 'I shall liberate the measureless sentient beings' then he is not named a bodhisattva. And why? Subhåti, really there is nothing Dharma is named is 'bodhisattva'. This is why the Buddha has said that all Dharma are devoid of self, devoid of other, devoid of diversity, and devoid of continuity. Subhåti, if a bodhisattva were to say, 'I shall adorn the Buddha land'; he is not to be named a bodhisattva. And why? The Tathàgata has said that the adornment of the Buddha land, then, the nature of adornment. It is merely named 'adornment'. Subhåti, if a bodhisattva penetrates into the selflessness of Dharma, the Tathàgata has said that he is genuinely named a bodhisattva."




“須菩提!於意云何?如來有肉眼不?” “如是,世尊!如來有肉眼。” “須菩提!於意云何?如來有天眼不?” “如是,世尊!如來有天眼。” “須菩提!於意云何?如來有慧眼不?” “如是,世尊!如來有慧眼。” “須菩提!於意云何?如來有法眼不?” “如是,世尊!如來有法眼。” “須菩提!於意云何?如來有佛眼不?” “如是,世尊!如來有佛眼。” “須菩提!於意云何?恆河中所有沙,佛說是沙不?” “如是,世尊!如來說是沙。” “須菩提!於意云何?如一恆河中所有沙,有如是等恆河,是諸恆河所有沙數,佛世界如是,寧為多不?”“甚多,世尊!”佛告須菩提:“爾所國土中,所有眾生,若干種心,如來悉知。何以故?如來說:諸心皆為非心,是名為心。所以者何?須菩提!過去心不可得,現在心不可得,未來心不可得。”


"Subhåti, what do you think? The Tathàgata possesses the corporeal eye, no?" "So it is, World Honored One. The Tathàgata possesses the corporeal eye." "Subhåti, what do you think? The Tathàgata possesses the spirituality eye, no?" "So it is, World Honored One. The Tathàgata possesses the spirituality eye." "Subhåti, what do you think? The Tathàgata possesses the wisdom eye, no?" "So it is, World Honored One. The Tathàgata possesses the wisdom eye." "Subhåti, what do you think? The Tathàgata possesses the Dharma(Dependent origination-Dharmas or unfounded-Dharmas) eye, no?" "So it is, World Honored One. The Tathàgata possesses the Dharma(Dependent origination-Dharmas or unfounded-Dharmas) eye." "Subhåti, what do you think? The Tathàgata possesses the Buddha-wisdom eye, no?" "So it is, World Honored One. The Tathàgata possesses the Buddha-wisdom eye." "Subhåti, what do you think? Regarding the sands possessed by the Ganges River, the Buddha has spoken of these sands, no?" "So it is, World Honored One. The Tathàgata has spoken of these sands." "Subhåti, what do you think? As there are sands in a single Ganges River, suppose there are Ganges Rivers equal in number to those sands, and that there are Buddha worlds numbering like those sands in each of those rivers. These worlds would be many, no?" "Very many, World Honored One." The Buddha addressed Subhåti, saying, "In those lands there are sentient beings possessing various kinds of minds, which the Tathàgata fully knows. And why? The Tathàgata has said that minds are the nature of minds, and so are named 'minds'. And why is that? Subhåti, the past mind is unobtainable, the present mind is unobtainable, and the future mind is unobtainable."



(1) 转自学佛网:http://big5.xuefo.net/nr/article0/4027.html


