
2015年4月28日 星期二

金剛般若波羅蜜多心經(Diamon wisdom sutra) (英譯1)

《金剛般若波羅蜜多心經(Diamon wisdom sutra)》(英譯1)






Thus have I heard. One time the Buddha was staying at the Anàthapiõóada retreat in the Jeta Grove near øràvastã, with a great congregation of 1,250 monks (bhikùu). At meantime, the World Honored One put on his robes and took his alms bowl into the great city of øràvastã to beg for alms. In the midst of that city, he begged successively and then returned to his personal dwelling to eat his meal. Having put away his robes and bowl, he washed his feet, prepared his seat, and sat.


第二品 善現啟請分 (SUBHUTI'S REQUEST, 2)




At that time, the venerable Subhåti was amidst the great congregation. He then rose from his seat, adjusted his robes, and kneeled his right knee to the ground. With his palms joined together respectfully, he addressed the Buddha, saying, "Extraordinary, World Honored One, the Tathàgata(creator) understand clearly the thought of the bodhisattvas and he skillfully instruct the bodhisattvas. World Honored One, in what should the minds of good sons and good daughters engendering the supremely unexcelled bodhicitta1(Budda Wisdom) dwell? How should they subdue their minds?" The Buddha replied, "Excellent, excellent! Subhåti, as you have said, the Tathàgata understand clearly the thought of the bodhisattvas and he skillfully instruct the bodhisattvas. You now listen closely! I shall explain for you in what the minds of good sons and good daughters engendering the supremely unexcelled bodhicitta (Budda Wisdom) should thus abide, and how thus they should subdue their minds." "Yes, World Honored One. Gladly, I shall listen."






The Buddha addressed Subhåti, saying, "Bodhisattva-mahàsattvas should thus subdue their minds: 'Where there is every single sort of sentient being; whether eggborn, womb-born, water-born, or born of transformation; whether having form or formless; whether having thought or no thought; whether neither having thought nor no thought; Buddha will cause all to enter the non-residual Nirvàõa, dooming and transforming them. Thus dooming and transforming the measureless, countless, and boundless sentient beings, in reality there are no sentient beings attaining that dooming and transforming.' And why? Subhåti, if a bodhisattva has the thought of a self(discrimination of inner and outer) , the thought of other(discrimination of subjective and objective), the thought of diversity (discrimination of far or near, high and low, large or small, long or short, strong or weak,,,. This creat the idea of distance and space), or the thought of continuity(This creat the idea of time); then he is not a bodhisattva.






"Furthermore, Subhåti, a bodhisattva in the Dharma should not dwell in the practice of charity (dàna). I.e., Practicing charity, he should not dwell in the forms; should not dwell in the sounds, odors, tastes, tactile sensations, or ideas. Subhåti, a bodhisattva should thus be charitable, not dwelling in such thoughts. And why? If a bodhisattva does not dwell in the thoughts of charity, his blessed virtue is incalculable. "Subhåti, what do you think? To the East, the space can be calculated, no?" "No, World Honored One." "Subhåti, to the South, West, North, the four directions between, the Zenith and Nadir, the space can be calculated, no?" "No, World Honored One." "Subhåti, the blessed virtue of a bodhisattva who practice charity not dwell in the thoughts is also so. It cannot be calculated. Subhåti, bodhisattvas should only dwell according to this teaching."






"Subhåti, what do you think? One can see the Tathàgata(creator) by his bodily forms, no?" "No, World Honored One. One cannot see the Tathàgata by his bodily forms. And why is that? The Tathàgata has explained that the bodily forms are not bodily forms." The Buddha addressed Subhåti, saying, "The forms ordinary people possess are signs that are all empty and mistaken. If one sees that these forms are not signs, then one sees the Tathàgata."5


第六品 正信希有分 (PROPER FAITH IS RARE, 6)




Subhåti said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, isn't it doubtful that there are sentient beings who will hear thus the words spoken in this discourse and become genuinely faithful?" The Buddha addressed Subhåti, saying, "Do not say this. In the final five hundred year era after the Tathàgatas death, those who uphold the precepts and cultivate the blessed will be able to give rise to the faithful mind from these passages because they are true. It should be known that these people would not have been with one Buddha, two Buddhas, three, four, or five Buddhas and sown the good roots. They will have sown the good roots with a measureless hundreds of thousands of Buddhas. Hearing these passages, even for a single recitation, they shall give rise to a pure faith. Subhåti, the Tathàgata fully knows and fully sees that these sentient beings will attain thus such measureless blessed virtue. And why? These sentient beings will not return tothe thought of a self, the thought of other, the thought of diversity, or the thought of continuity. They would have no thoughts of the Dharma and also no thoughts of the non-Dharma. And why? If these sentient beings' minds were to dwell in such thoughts, they would become attached to a self, other, diversity, and continuity. If they were to grasp the thoughts of the Dharma, they would become attached to a self, other, diversity, and continuity. And why? If they were to dwell in the thoughts of the non-Dharma, they would become attached to a self, other, diversity, and continuity. This is why one should not dewll in the Dharma and why one should not dwell in the non-Dharma. It is because of this meaning that the Tathàgata always says, 'You monks! Know that my spoken Dharma is like the bamboo raft. The Dharma that is honored must be relinquished. How much more so is it with what is not the Dharma?'






"Subhåti, what do you think? The Tathàgata has attained the supremely unexcelled Bodhi (Buddha Wisdom), no? The Tathàgata has a teaching of the Dharma, no?" Subhåti replied, "As I have understood the meaning of the Buddha's discourse, there is no certain Dharma called 'the supremely unexcelled bodhi' (Budda Wisdom). Also, there is no certain Dharma that the Tathàgata can expound. And why? The Dharmas expounded by the Tathàgata are intangible and inexpressible. They are neither Dependent origination-Dharmas(means: montain, river, ticket, sentient being) nor unfounded-Dharma(means: hair of turtle, horn of rabbit, the goddess of the moon)s. And why is that? All of the Sages make discriminations from the truth-Dharma."






"Subhåti, what do you think? If a person filled the trichiliocosm with the seven treasures for the purpose of charity, this person's blessed virtue would become plentiful, no?" Subhåti replied, "Very plentiful, World Honored One. And why? This thought of blessed virtue then would not be of a blessed nature. This is why the Tathàgata has said that his blessed virtue would be plentiful." "If, again, there is a person who receives and upholds just four lines of verse that is in this Såtra and explains it to another person, that person's blessedness would overcome the other's. And why? Subhåti, the Dharmas of all the Buddhas who have reached the Buddhas' supremely unexcelled bodhi (Budda Wisdom) are produced from this Såtra. Subhåti, that is, those thought of Buddhas' Dharmas, then, are the nature of Buddha's Dharma.






"Subhåti, what do you think? The stream entrant (÷rota-àpanna) is able to think, 'I have attained the stream entrant's reward', no?" Subhåti replied, "No, World Honored One. And why? 'Stream entrant' is the name for entering the stream and for entering nowhere else: not entering forms, sounds, odors, tastes, tactile sensations, or ideas. This is named a 'stream entrant'." "Subhåti, what do you think? The Once-returner (sakçdàgàmin) is able to think, 'I have attained the Once-returner's reward', no?" Subhåti replied, "No, World Honored One. And why? 'Once-returner' is the name for one more arrival and really is without future arrival. This is named a 'Once-returner'." "Subhåti, what do you think? The Non-returner (anàgàmin) is able to think, 'I have attained the Non-returner's reward', no?" Subhåti replied, "No, World Honored One. And why? 'Non-returner' is the name for no further arrival, and really has no non-arrival. This is why he is named 'Non-returner'." "Subhåti, what do you think? The Worthy (arhat) is able to think, 'I have attained the Worthy's enlightenment', no?" Subhåti replied, "No, World Honored One. And why? Really, there is nothing named a 'Worthy'. "World Honored One, if a Worthy were to think, 'I have attained the Worthy's enlightenment', then it would be because of attachment to a self, other, diversity, and continuity. World Honored One, the Buddha has said that I have attained the samàdhi of non-dispute that among others is the best. It is the best because I am free of the desire to be a Worthy. I do not think, 'I am free of the desire to be a Worthy'. World Honored One, if I were to think, 'I have attained the Worthy's enlightenment', then the World Honored One would not have said that Subhåti is a happy woodland practitioner, because without a nature of Subhåti really practices. Only just a name is named 'Subhåti, the happy woodland practitioner'."


第十品 莊嚴淨土分 (ADORNING PURE LANDS, 10)




The Buddha addressed Subhåti, saying, "What do you think? When the Tathàgata was formerly staying with the Buddha Dãpa§kara, he had attained the Dharma (Dependent origination-Dharmas or unfounded-Dharmas) that that Buddha possessed, no?" "No, World Honored One. When the Tathàgata was staying with the Buddha Dãpa§kara, really he did not attain that Dharma (Dependent origination-Dharmas or unfounded-Dharmas)." "Subhåti, what do you think? The bodhisattvas adorn the Buddha lands, no?" "No, World Honored One. And why? The adorning of the Buddha lands is not an adornment. It is called an 'adornment'." "This is why, Subhåti, the bodhisattva-mahàsattva should thus give rise to the pure mind. He should not dwell in forms when giving rise to that mind; nor should he dwell in sounds, odors, tastes, tactile sensations, or ideas when giving rise to that mind. They should dwell in no abode when giving rise to that mind. "Subhåti, it is just like a person whose body is like Mount Sumeru. What do you think? This body would be great, no?" Subhåti replied, "Very great, World Honored One. And why? The Buddha has said that it is a Dependent origination-body(the nature of the body) that is called a great body."






"Subhåti, suppose there were Ganges rivers equal in numbers to that of all the sands in the Ganges river. What do you think? The sands of all those Ganges Rivers would be many, no?" "Very many, World Honored One. Merely all of those Ganges Rivers would be so many as to be countless. How much more so would be their sands?" "Subhåti, I now will truthfully tell you, if there were good sons and good daughters, who themselves number like the sands of those Ganges Rivers and who filled the trichiliocosm with the seven treasures for the purpose of charity, they would attain many merits, no?" Subhåti replied, "Very many, World Honored One." The Buddha addressed Subhåti, "If a good son or good daughter receive and uphold just four lines of verse from within this Sutra and for explain it another person, their blessed virtue would surpass the blessed virtue of the others'.






"Furthermore, Subhåti, where what is said in this Såtra is followed, even if it is just four lines of verse, it should be known that the deities, human, or asuras in all the worlds, should give offerings of support to that place as though it were a Buddhist pagoda or temple. How much more so if there is someone who is able to receive, keep, read, and recite it in its entirety? Subhåti, it should be known that this person consummate the supreme, best, most extraordinary Dharma. If this Såtra resides in his abode, then it would be as though the Buddha were present there, if it is honored by the disciples."



(1) 转自学佛网:http://big5.xuefo.net/nr/article0/4027.html


